Heavy Music Artwork Issue #4 Legacy
The aging process affects pretty much everything in one way or another, but it may also lead to things being imbued with a sense of timelessness. Ever since I first picked up my brother Black Sabbath album the sensation has been the same. I was a mere twelve years old, but decades later the emotions were so strong and heartfelt that they have remained with me, unchanged. More than thirty years have passed since I put the needle down on 'Heaven & Hell'. Like crossing the Rubicon, the stage was set – there was no turning back.
We have seen the birth of many new styles and genres; bands have split up and made their comebacks. Pants were worn skin tight Metallica and then baggy Korn; moshing was mandatory – with stage diving a must – but now it’s forbidden. As a culture, we have, like a fine brandy, aged well and the bands and artists that ‘lived it’ are venerated almost to sainthood! We respect the fallen, yet the music and art continue; always fruitful with new talents, and uncharted realms of the imagination to be explored.
In this issue, we feature a number of artists that have generously shared their passions and commitment to creativity with us. I’m pretty sure they have their “scars to boast”: as music and art addicts we also have our own scars and we are fucking proud of them because this is not just music – this is our Legacy!
Featuring all exclusive interviews and articles Kiss, Def Leppard, Disturbed, Korn, Sepultura, Black Star Riders, Annihilator, Immolation, Six Feet Under, Dave McKean, Ken Kelly, Andreas Marschall, Phil Lawvere, Pär Olofsson, Arik Roper, Alan E. Brown, Pink Floyd at the V&A, Storm Design Studio, Gerald Scarfe, Black Sabbath the end.
Alex Milazzo
Chief Editor & Curator

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